Tuesday 13 January 2009

Battle Stations!

Well, that was interesting.

As mentioned previously, my corp are currently in the process of moving to nullsec and thanks to my previous Jumpclone grinding, and a well planned, careful move to our new home, I'm in a more stable position than most.

I still have my main store of BPOs, spare ships and other crap in the corp's hisec empire base and I made the trip back tonight to take advantage of a fantastic market opportunity I found (which I was going to post about until this all happened. Read on).

I was just contemplating logging off for the evening when we got a call in Corp chat, one of our guys was under attack in our nullsec home system and was taking damage fast. We're still a little noob in these matters, so it took a few moments to get a position but I eventually realised that I'd flown to hisec instead of Jumpcloning so I could head right on down and fly support.

I warped into the fray at a respectable distance in the Mordant Core, locked target and hit him with 2 points and my quick-hitting 150mm AC IIs, a second corp mate was already engaged and laying on the hurt.

I was feeling pretty good as our target hit structure and we were still holding strong - teamwork FTW and all that when Corp chat lit up with:

Stop shooting! It's xxx

WTF? was my reply (by chance my ACs were down for a reload!).

It turns out 2 corpies had decided to test our 'combat readiness' with a faux call for help, one of the second corpies was running an alt.

So far, I'm slightly less than impressed, but I will conceed that we learnt a few lessons (and not neccessarily all of them intended).

I refrained from making my own point and finishing the job...

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